finPOWER Connect is a lending software with a powerful client file that includes everything you need to know about your client. Including all their personal details, photos, Advisors such as their Accountant and Banker, security items and online files such as copies of their payslips, passport, drivers licence and any other relevant information.
Loan software is highly configurable with a large variety options that enable you to modify the system to suit your own unique requirements.Pretty much, whatever your requirements, finPOWER software can handle it. finPOWER Connect customised to your operation’s own specialised needs can give you a huge ROI through the streamlining of manual inefficent procedures. Our finPOWER Connect customers have realised the huge benefits the system is achieving for them, and are continually fine tuning it to improve their business.
finPOWER Connect software for Lending Companies can be modified suit your own detailed credit collection processes. Starting with the simple auto-generation of SMS payment reminders right up to a powerful and comprehensive workflow engine.
The System can be integrated with a range of third party systems to enable information to be exchanged via EDI – far quicker and more efficient than do it manually!
The lending software integrates with Office to utilise the functionality of Access, Excel and Word. Your documentation can be enhanced through the use of the formatting features of Word, as well as utilising the powerful VBA tools available.
You already have enough challenges in your business without having to worry about meeting the CCCFA requirements! This Loan finance software can assist you with meeting your compliance requirements. You can easily modify your compliant Disclosure Statements and other documentation to suit your own purposes.
finPOWER Connect tracks each transaction with Date, Time and User details and provides a full audit trail of interest calculations and methods. User security can be set right down to every menu option and function giving you extremely tight control over what individual Users and groups of Users are allowed to do.
finPOWER allows you to select from a range of add-on modules so you can tailor the system to create a Loan and Account management solution catering for your specific and possibly unique requirements.
For the more sophisticated user, adhering to the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) you will need recognise deferred revenue over the term of the loans involved. This module enables you to amortise both revenue and cost items.
The loan software Advanced Banking Add-On module will create and export Direct Debits into your own bank. Most trading bank formats in NZ are available.
The Client Statistics Add-On allows you retain information about your Clients, such as Income, Expenses, Assets and Liabilities, and monitor any subsequent changes.
The lending software Addressing Add-On uses data from NZ Post which contains Suburb, City and Post Code details in order to validate the Client's address and populates the correct post code. If required, the ‘Full Verification’ Add-On will validate the Client’s addresses with NZ Post's own database, as well as providing the actual Delivery Point ID code.
When you need an online loan application form from your web site, this module enables you to integrate custom applications with the Business Layer. Once their loan is established, you Clients will be able to check their current balances, view their transactions, and be able to update their details. You can look at an example of the Client Connect web portal by clicking here and logging in with the Client Id & Password of "C10000" & "Password1".
The Promotions Module can be used when you are running a promotion over a set time, for a set group of introducers and allows you to set a special interest rate or interest free term. i.e you could offer a 6 month interest free deal to a specific retail chain over the Christmas period.
When you want to record more detailed about individuals in a very structured manner you can use additional fields such as:
- A list of "Also Known As" names.
- Employment details (for Individuals)
- Personnel details (for Organisations)
- Passport and Drivers Licence details
- The Identification Page also has an inbuilt "100 Point Identity Check" function that you can customise to meet your exact requirements.
The Credit Enquiry Add-On. This module with integrate with the various Credit Bureaus when inquiring about Client's Credit history. It will also lodge loan payment defaults with the Credit Bureaus, and can retrieve Bank Statement information. The Credit Check files are kept in the Client’s file for later analysis or reference.
This is used when you have 3rd Parties outside of your main business unit, such as the Dealers and Brokers that sell your products. You can monitor and report on these entities, and can calculate commission.
Amtrax specialises in creating web based modules that interface with finPOWER. As an example of our work, here is a link to an online loan application . This example will do the Centrix credit check, drivers licence ID check, Passport check, and also automate the 3 months bank statement retrieval process. We can include scoring if required and any other required features.(eg PPSR search)
Additionally, many finance companies require external parties, eg Dealers, to have the ability to create both clients and the loan application, but within strict limitations of what they can and cannot do. The example dealer module below allows them to see all clients, but only their own loans. Contracts are created as a pdf document. Currently we are enhancing this module to provide a turnkey process flow management system to enable all the required steps prior to approval to be recorded and monitored by the dealers themselves, thus reducing the administrative time of the back office staff.
This finPOWER Connect customised module will allow clients to login and check their balances and transactions. Additionally, they can apply for another loan, or a top up based on their pre-set credit limit. This will save you a considerable amount of administrative time.
User Name = KEY-JK
Password = password
Often it’s more convenient for Managers and/or Dealers to access their clients and loans via the web, rather than accessing finPOWER directly.
With this module, your specific requirements that might be unique to you can easily be incorporated.
User Name = KEY-JK
Password = password
This interfaces directly to your finPOWER Connect account type configuration, so every change you make there will automatically be reflected in the online calculator.